

How is a real number defined?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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6y ago

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A real number is any continuous quantity which can be represented as a point on a one-dimensional line. Real numbers are used for measuring properties of objects and phenomena in the natural and social world.

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A real number is any number so yes it is always a real number * * * * * Except if the second number is 0, in which case the quotient is not defined.

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Yes irrational numbers are real numbers that are part of the number line,

Why does a real number have to be rational or irrational?

Because irrational numbers are defined as all real numbers which are not rational.

Why should a real number be rational or irrational?

Because irrational numbers are defined as real numbers which are not rational.

Is every irrational number a real number and how?

The set of real numbers is defined as the union of all rational and irrational numbers. Thus, the irrational numbers are a subset of the real numbers. Therefore, BY DEFINITION, every irrational number is a real number.

Why does any real number must be either a rational number or an irrational number?

It is due to the fact that the set of real numbers is defined as the union of the rational and irrational numbers.

Can have two real numbers if the quotient is not real number?

Yes but only if the denominator is 0 (so the quotient is not defined).

Defined real numbers?

Real numbers encompass any number along the number line, infinitely. Integers, whole numbers, natural numbers, etc. are are real numbers.

How is an imaginary number defined?

An imaginary number is a continuous quantity that is the square root of a negative number and cannot be represented on the real number line.

Why rational number is also a real number?

Real numbers are defined as the set of rational numbers together with irrational numbers. So rationals are a subset of reals, by definition.

Is an irrational number a number that is represented by a nonrepeating decimal?

Yes, However, it is not defined that way. It is defined as a number that cannot be expressed precisely as a ratio of two real numbers (a fraction). But that is equivalent to a non-repeating decimal.