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Q: How is cardiac left sided afterload measured?
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What vessels provides right and left ventricular afterload?

The systemic arteries provide afterload for the left ventricle, while the pulmonary arteries provide afterload for the right ventricle. Afterload refers to the resistance that the ventricles must overcome to eject blood during systole.

What is the pressure in the aorta against which the left ventricle must pump blood called?

The pressure in the aorta that the left ventricle must pump blood against is called systemic arterial pressure. This pressure is necessary to ensure adequate blood flow to the tissues and organs of the body.

Which lung has the cardiac notch?

left lung has a cardiac notch.

What would be the physiological consequence of the right and left ventricles of the heart not pumping the same volume of blood?

Beat by beat they never do ... but if an unbalance occurs over a long period of time (and less than a minute is long here) then you have cardiac failure [either right or left]. Either one is fatal. Left sided failure is many times more common than right sided, but either can kill.

What is a function of the cardiac notch?

The cardiac notch is a feature of the left lung that accommodates the position of the heart. It allows the heart to fit snugly within the thoracic cavity and provides space for its proper functioning.

What are the causes of left sided pleural effusion?

Causes of left-sided pleural effusion can include congestive heart failure, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, lung cancer, and autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Other less common causes can include liver disease, kidney disease, or trauma.

What does it mean when a cardiac silhouette is at the upper limit of normal?

Cardiac silhouette is prominent with a left ventricular configuration.

What vein of the heart drains most the posterior ventricles?

Middle cardiac (and posterior vein of left ventricle) *both drain in coronary sinus*

Effect of increased vasoconstriction on afterload?

Increased vasoconstriction leads to an increase in afterload, which is the resistance the heart must overcome to eject blood from the left ventricle. As a result, the heart has to work harder to pump blood against the increased resistance, which can lead to increased myocardial oxygen demand and potentially contribute to the development of heart failure over time.

Can you drive left sided vehicles in Australia?

You may drive left sided vehicles. You may not drive them on the right hand side of the road.

Which cardiac chamber is closest to the spine?

left atrium

Cpt code for left-sided heart catheterization selective coronary angiography and left ventriculography?

cpt code for left sided heart cath with selective coronary angiography and left ventriculography ? I have found that the left sided heart cath with selective coronary angiography cpt code is 93452 this also includes the ventriculography