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Q: How is dividing integers similar to and different from dividing whole numbers?
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How is the process of dividing integers similar to the process of multiplying integer?


How is the process of dividing intergers similar to the process of multiplying intergers?

integers are negative and poitive numbers you can multipy and divide poitive numbers but you can't divide negative numbers because you can't have negitve divded by a other number

How is adding positive and negative numbers similar to adding integers?

It is the same thing, since "integers" consists of positive and negative numbers (and zero).

How dividing by decimal is different from dividing by whole number and how it is similar?

Dividing by decimal is different from dividing by whole number as you have to multiply by a number to remove the decimal.

How do you multiplies and divides integers?

Multiplying and dividing integers is real easy. All you have to do is do regular dividing and multiplying keeping in mind these simple rules: RULES: 1: When multiplying or dividing integers, when the numbers are a positive, positive they equal a positive. When the numbers are negative, negative they equal a positive. In other words, same signs equal positive. 2: This rule is very similar to the rule above. The only change is that when the signs are different, they equal a negative. ( negative, positive= negative, positive, negative= negative.) Please correct me if I'm wrong. Multiply integers- my notes from class positive x positive= positive positive x negative= negative negative x negative= positive Divide integers- again my notes from class positive divided by a positive= positive negative divided by a negative= positive negative divided by a positive= negative Dividing integers are simple if the number has a different sign than the other it is always negative but if they have the same sign its always positive ex. -20/5=-4 ex. -20/-4=-5

How is adding integers similar to adding whole numbers?

Integers include 0, the negative numbers without fractional parts, and the positive numbers without fractional parts. The "without fractional parts" part of the description implies that all of the integers are whole numbers. Therefore, if you are adding integers, you are adding whole numbers.

How is multiplying and dividing rational numbers similar?

Dividing by a non-zero rational number is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal.

How is dividing decimals similar to dividing whole numbers?

In that you carry out exactly the same steps - AND you must determine the correct position of the decimal point.

How are a numerator and denominator similar?

They are elements of of a set which may consist of integers, real or complex numbers, polynomial expressions, matrices.

How is dividing fractions similar to multipying fractions?

Dividing anything by a fraction is equivalent to multiplying the same number by the reciprocal of the fraction. Thus, x / (p/q) = x * (q/p) where x is any number, and p and q are non-zero integers.

How is dividing a polynomial by a binomial similar to or different from the long division you learned in elementary school Can understanding how to do one kind of division help you with the other?

Your dividing with variables now.