Height is shown on a map by boxes, each having a number in them, 1,2,3 and so on. they normally measure in miles, which is the easy way for starters.
with colors like say darker means taller and lighter means smaller!
A cartogram is a map in which the information is shown in the geographical distribution of a map. The cartogram shows statistical information graphically
The height of the land, and the scale of the map
i have No idea I need someone to help me
125000 centimeters .. confirm?
The height of land is shown on a map using contour lines, which connect points of equal elevation above sea level. These lines help to visualize the shape of the land surface and the relative elevation of different areas on the map.
with colors like say darker means taller and lighter means smaller!
There are 12 buildings shown on the map.
they are natural features that are shown in a map
A map or graphic can't be shown on Answers.com. Search for 'map of Israel' on the internet.
Height on an atlas is typically shown through contour lines or shading to represent changes in elevation. These contour lines help visualize the shape of the land and the steepness of slopes. Additionally, there are usually key symbols that indicate different elevations on a map.
An elevation map shows the height of landforms. The different colors represent different heights. Use a key from a social studies book to figure out what colors represent what heights.
If log cabins are shown on a map, the symbol used will be found in the map's legend.
You need to answer this question it requires your critical thinking skills and is a written answer. We don’t do homework or write essays for students. You haven’t provided the map.
Brown is the most common color shown on a map.
The northernmost city shown on the map is Tromso, Norway.
The highest individual mountains are typically shown on a map with their elevation indicated by a number in meters or feet. They may also be labeled with their specific names. Additionally, these mountains are usually represented by a peak symbol or a triangle shape to denote their prominent height.