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Math is related to Social Studies when numbers are used to represent times and dates when events occurred or when people were born or died.

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What if you fail the social studies and the math?

Social Studies and Math are very important subjects so it will be bad if you fail them.

How does the novel To Kill a Mockingbird relate to social studies science and math?

To Kill a Mockingbird is related to social studies since it gives a picture of life in a small town some years ago and focuses on race relations and relations with people who are different. It has nothing to do with math.

What is the best title for research related to social studies?

Social Studies in Web 2.0

What is the difference between math and social studies?

Math is the language of science and in and of itself is important for teaching people how to think, not what to think. Social studies is just the grade school name for a collection of social science " disciplines " and, though needing some study, are orders of magnitude less important than math. Math is an objective discipline while social studies only pretends to be objective.

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Does Softkey offer a social studies software program for students?

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In middle school you have 6 periods what are they?

They are usually Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Science. And the other 2 periods are Related Arts, like Bible History, P.E., Tech Ed., etc. Yeah its usally Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, Science, and 2 other periods that could be your electives or intensive. This is for Florida

How is Pearl Harbor the book related to social studies?

"Social Studies" is just a fancy way of saying "History." Pearl Harbor is history, so it relates to Social Studies.

What subject do kids hate the most?

Math, gym, science and social studies math, l.a., literacy, and reading