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Q: How is math used daily to being a doctor?
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Is math used as being a vetanarian?

Yes, it is.

How are percents used in daily math?

Percents are used to calculate tax on EVERY store purchase,and to calculate discounts on every "special" or "bargain".If you can't calculate percents, you can't catch mistakes or avoid being cheated.

What math is used in being a multimedia artist?

then use math to count many sh-ts they take

What type of math is used to be a obgyn?

the same type of math any other doctor uses. obtetometry is a field you can spcialize in so its not any different.

Are barometers related to math Actually me in class 6 and have a math project on how math is used in daily life i thought a barometer would do. any ideas and is a barometer realted to math?

No! Barometers are not related to maths. They are devices used to measure atmospheric pressure... You may not be able to use barometers for maths project. - Abid