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Math is used in aligning xrays. Measuring medicine disbursement. Ratio of pain killers to body size. Depth measuring in drilling.

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Q: How is math used in daily practice of dentistry?
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What does math have to do with dentistry?

While math is not used extensively during clinical practice, math skills are important in becoming a dental professional. Math is used quite a bit in the study of chemistry, physics, pharmacology, and biology, all important subjects in the practice of dentistry.

Is math used in dentistry?


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Yes the olmec used math on a daily basis. They had 3 symblos

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The purpose of evidence based practice that all decisions should be based on research study and physical evidence. It is used in medicine, dentistry and education for example.

How often is math used in by a police officer?

Daily, even hourly.

How are polynomials are used in your daily lives?

they really aren't used in our daily lives... unless you are a mathematician or a math teacher but they are also used in our life so as to do our buiseness

How was math used in the stone ages?

to count the number of animals caught daily

How do you use math in daily life?

It is used to tell time. Pay bills. Exercise. Cook. We are constantly using math.

How do you get fast math?

I'm assuming that you mean get used to math so you can do it fast. This may or may not be an easy goal for you but the only answer is Practice.

Is math required to become a cardiologist?

One way they use math is by calculating a person's blood pressure. Math is used daily by just about everyone.