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recipe formulation and calculation service determintion dealing with head counts, food portioning, food cost,menu planning and cost projections there of, inventory establishment,

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Q: How is math used in US food service?
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What Food and Nutrition Service is part of?

The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

What is the food and nutrition service part of?

The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

What is the The Food and Nutrition Service part of?

The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

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US Food Service

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US Food Service

How is math all around us?

Yes math is all around us like when we go to buy food you need to know how much a doolar cost.

What has math done for us?

Math is used in almost every thing we do so here is a couple of uses. Math gave us the ability to build things by allowing use to calculate loads,strength and the amount of material we need. Math gave us the ability survive as a species through harsh environments by allow us to calculate how much food we need to store/have to sustain a given number of people for a given amount of time. Examples would be the amount of food water to sail across the Atlantic ocean or survive a 3 month long winter in the wilderness.

Who are US Food service competitors?

Sysco, Sodexo, Marriot

What department is the food and nutrition service a part of?

The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

How did Albert Einstein used math in his work?

i think he did use math alot becuase he was a beast at what he did for us and he was a good man

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How is math used in the criminal justice field?

Can you mail food snacks through the US postal service?

Noyou cant!