

Best Answer

There are several instances where the US spelling differs from the UK version:

sulfur (US) sulphur (UK)

aluminum (US) aluminium (UK)

color, honor, labor, vigor (US) colour etc (UK)

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Q: Why is mathematics math in us and math in uk?
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What is the short form for Mathematics?

In the UK it is maths, in the US, math.

How math relates to mathematics?

Math is a US abbreviation for mathematics.

What does mathematics have to do with math?

mathematics is math math is short for mathematics

What can mathematics do to improve your life?

Mathematics help us in our daily life by helping us to measure things around us or to help us to solve problems in math.

What were Pythagoras's contribution to mathematics?

He helped us understand the meaning of math and numbers and how can us it in daily life

Did they us math to build the Eiffel tower?

Yes. Mathematics is involved in all building.

What are some questions that are not math today but may be math questions in your childrens times?

Mathematics is mathematics. If it could be mathematics later on, then it is mathematics now.

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What is the short form of mathematics-math or math?


What is the different between Math teacher and Mathematics teacher?

Math is simply short for Mathematics.

What is a short way for saying mathematics?

Math. "Math" works for both "artithmatic" and "mathematics".

What kind of mathematics do scientist us to analyze data?

Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.