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they measure the length and the width

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Q: How is math used in clothing and textile industry?
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What industry was the first factory system used?

The first factories of the Industrial Revolution made clothing and items out of cloth. This industry lent itself well to mass production techniques.

Factories were first used in what industry?

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Where is the fabric cotton used?

Mostly in the clothing and textile industries.

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"Bundle ticket" is a type of software used in India that tracks assembly line production in the textile industry.

What are the chief fibers made from pentrochemicals?

The chief fibers made from petrochemicals are polyester, nylon, and acrylic. These fibers are commonly used in the textile industry for making clothing, carpets, and other products due to their durability and versatility.

What do textile chemists do?

Textile chemists focus on developing and improving textiles by applying chemical principles and techniques. They work on tasks such as designing new fabrics, developing methods to improve fabric performance, and ensuring textiles meet quality standards through testing and analysis. Textile chemists play a crucial role in the textile industry by contributing to the innovation and production of a wide range of textile products.

What is cotton used for in Mexico?

It is mostly used for clothing and other textile production applications (sheets, curtains, carpets).