an antonym is another word for 'opposite'
on any ray,there is exactly one point at a given distance from the endpoint of the ray
There are no suffixes meaning exactly more than But, If you are comparing you should use -er
Equivalent sets are sets with exactly the same number of elements.
The ratio of three numbers cannot be expressed as a singe fraction.
Singe. This means monkey, and although it is very very close, it's not exactly the same.
To singe. If by "meaning of", you mean, "more adept manner of articulating".
"Singe" is a verb.
The feminine of singe is singeuse.
An antonym for singe is Quench.
Singe was a lycan
monkey in french is singe.
Please do not singe my shirt.
"Le singe" in English means "the monkey."
Singe or double space is not abbreviated.
The singe from the cigar ash destroyed the book report.