

How is maths used in civics?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Math is used in Civics, e.g. voting for elected offices, voting on Laws; tax rates; population counts for apportionment of Representatives; etc,etc,etc.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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HOW is maths related with civics?

they r brother and sister

What is the relation between civics and maths?

Population of a country is a of civics and needs maths to understand it. The ratio of female and male population needs ratio and proportion of maths. Price rise, ratio of unemployed people and employment opportunities, area of a country and population, etc. needs maths to understand.

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The plural form of "civics" is simply "civics."

How is maths is used in other subject?

This is a very short answer, but it tells you the basics. Maths is used in science; in science, you measure amounts. Maths is used in history; you use dates. Maths is also used in geography; in geography you count population and take measurements. Maths is used in music as well; you count the beats, multiply the beats and arrange them. There are many other uses of maths in these subjects, if you don't constrain yourself to thinking that maths is STRICTLY hard arithmetic and algebraic problems you will see that maths is in everything you do. From cooking, to breathing, maths is everywhere.

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Everywhere everyday you use maths for

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civics = Staatsbürgerkunde

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Civics is all about the government.

Who is father of civics?

Aristotle is known as the "father of civics."

What is the study of citizenship?

The study of citizenship is civics.

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