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Q: How is null hypothesis used in experimental design?
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What can power analysis be used to calculate?

Power analysis can be used to calculate statistical significance. It compares the null hypothesis with the alternative hypothesis and looks for evidence that can reject the null hypothesis.

Is the null hypothesis considered correct until proven otherwise?

No. The null hypothesis is not considered correct. It is an assumption, and hypothesis testing is a consistent meand of determining whether the data is sufficiently strong to say that it may be untrue. The data either supports the alternative hypothesis or it fails to reject it. See examples in links. Also note this quote from Wikipedia: "Statistical hypothesis testing is used to make a decision about whether the data contradicts the null hypothesis: this is called significance testing. A null hypothesis is never proven by such methods, as the absence of evidence against the null hypothesis does not establish it."

What are difference between a hypothesis and hypothesis statement?

The term hypothesis is used in science and statistics. I have included two links related to the these terms.In statistics, the null and alternative hypothesis are mathematical statements used in statistical decision making. An example of a null hypothesis is the mean of the population from which a sample was obtained is equal to 10. The mean of the data is sufficiently different from 10 can be used to reject the null hypothesis.As used in science, hypothesis is the initial idea suggested by observation or preliminary experimentation. See related links.

What are the advantages of null hypothesis significance testing?

The add vantage of the null hypothesis testing is when used to determine errors in tolerances the null hypothesis will always land you on the side of safety. This is often used when the importance of quantity or quality is extremely important. The case of filling medicine in to a capsule would require a very close tolerance, the null hypothesise could set an undefined error, however this is much safer than a wide tolerance which could result in a dangerous outcome.

List the 5 steps of hypothesis testing and explain the procedure and logic of each Specify the null and alternative hypothesis Select a significance level typically 0.05 or the 0.01 level is used?

what is an example of a hypothses about compensation?

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If we reject the null hypothesis what can we conclude about the alpha risk?

If we reject the null hypothesis, we conclude that the alternative hypothesis which is the alpha risk is true. The null hypothesis is used in statistics.

What can power analysis be used to calculate?

Power analysis can be used to calculate statistical significance. It compares the null hypothesis with the alternative hypothesis and looks for evidence that can reject the null hypothesis.

When you reject the null hypothesis?

You reject the null hypothesis if the probability of the observed outcome, calculated under the null hypothesis, is smaller than some preset level. Commonly used levels are 10%, 5%, 1% or 0.1%.

How is the null hypothesis used in hypothesis testing?

Statistical tests compare the observed (or more extreme) values against what would be expected if the null hypothesis were true. If the probability of the observation is high you would retain the null hypothesis, if the probability is low you reject the null hypothesis. The thresholds for high or low probability are usually set arbitrarily at 5%, 1% etc. Strictly speaking, when rejecting the null hypothesis, you do not accept the alternative hypothesis because it is possible that neither are true and it is the model itself that is wrong.

What is test statistic?

This is used in statistic to know whether to accept or reject a null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis

Is the null hypothesis considered correct until proven otherwise?

No. The null hypothesis is not considered correct. It is an assumption, and hypothesis testing is a consistent meand of determining whether the data is sufficiently strong to say that it may be untrue. The data either supports the alternative hypothesis or it fails to reject it. See examples in links. Also note this quote from Wikipedia: "Statistical hypothesis testing is used to make a decision about whether the data contradicts the null hypothesis: this is called significance testing. A null hypothesis is never proven by such methods, as the absence of evidence against the null hypothesis does not establish it."

What are difference between a hypothesis and hypothesis statement?

The term hypothesis is used in science and statistics. I have included two links related to the these terms.In statistics, the null and alternative hypothesis are mathematical statements used in statistical decision making. An example of a null hypothesis is the mean of the population from which a sample was obtained is equal to 10. The mean of the data is sufficiently different from 10 can be used to reject the null hypothesis.As used in science, hypothesis is the initial idea suggested by observation or preliminary experimentation. See related links.

What is the purpose of an chart?

Helps students organize identify independent variable, dependent variable, and constants in an experimental design. This information is then used to write an if/then statement for a hypothesis.

What is the significance of a hypothesis?

The significance test is the process used, by researchers, to determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected, in favor of the alternative research hypothesis, or not.

Why do scientists consider every hypothesis valuable A. A hypothesis requires no further investigation if it is proved by the experiment. B. A hypothesis can be used to explain a conclusion even if it?

B. A hypothesis can never be proven. It can be supported, unsupported, or partially supported by the experimental evidence. The experimental data resulting from a tested hypothesis can be used to formulate a new hypothesis.

Sources of hypothesis?

Identification of a null and alternative hypothesis is used in statistical hypothesis testing. I've included two links which will show you how to formulate these hypothesis. The source of the null hypothesis is considered the "status quo" or what would be assumed without data. Perhaps, you buy 20 light bulbs which average 2500 hours of service, and 14 of these burn out after 2400 hours of service. Your null hypothesis is that the light bulbs will last 2500 hours or more, while the null hypothesis is that they will burn out on the average in less than 2500 hours. Hypothesis in application of the scientific method is entirely another matter. Please see related links.

CoRelation of hypothesis in psychology?

In psychology, a hypothesis is a proposed explanation or prediction about the relationship between variables. By testing hypotheses through research methods like experiments or surveys, researchers can determine whether there is a correlation between variables. This correlation helps psychologists understand, predict, and potentially intervene in human behavior and mental processes.