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By and large, geography will be the determining factor in population distribution. Look at any reasonably good map that has a bit of topography included and give it just the least bit of thought and it will become crystal clear. People have a reason to live near the ocean, particularly where a river empties into it. Cities are found along rivers and adjoining large inland lakes. There are some social considerations, to be sure. One can find towns or villages that have sprung up along routes of travel, routes of commerce. But these areas of population require support for any urban development. Without taking anything from Salt Lake City, its settlement might be a kind of "exception to the rule" in some regard. Contemporary transportation and the technical advances in manufacturing and agriculture make it possible to live in a lot more places than ever before. But for the most part, geographic proximity to transportation routes, either those on water or over land, set the stage for population distribution.

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Q: How is population distributed in a certain area?
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