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Q: How is power and inequality are related to crime?
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What are they particular issue about sociology?

Some specific issues in sociology include social inequality, the impacts of race, gender, and class on society, and the effects of globalization on communities and cultures. Sociologists also study issues related to social deviance, crime, and the structure of power in societies.

How does the graph of an inequality compare to its related function?

The graph is a region of the space on one side or another of the related function. If the inequality is strict then the related function itself is not part of the solution; otherwise it is.

What is A mathematical sentence which contains an inequality symbol and one variable raised to the first power is called a?

It is a linear inequality.

Which theory argues that crime is due to social conflict social change and a lack of consensus in the group?

The conflict theory argues that crime is a result of social inequality, power struggles, and conflicting interests within society. This theory suggests that crime occurs when marginalized groups are in conflict with those in power, leading to deviant behavior as a form of resistance or protest against unjust social structures.

Crime control implications of social conflict theories?

Social conflict theories suggest that crime is a result of social inequality and power struggles. This implies that crime control efforts should address underlying issues of poverty, discrimination, and injustice in order to effectively reduce crime rates. Additionally, addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social justice can help prevent the emergence of criminal behavior in the first place.

How related computer security and crime?

They are directly related. The weaker the security the more prone to crime.

What are the issue related with income distribution?

Corruption, wealth inequality, illiteracy.

What is the power of one?

The Power of One is a novel and a movie about racial inequality. The author is Bryce Courtenay.

Most common natioanal problems in the world?

Crime, Poverty, Health inequality, Traffic-jams, Political corruption and homelessness

Where does heinous crime belong in what theory of deviance?

Heinous crimes often belong in the conflict theory of deviance, which emphasizes how power differentials and social inequality can drive individuals to commit such extreme acts. Conflict theorists argue that heinous crimes can be understood as a response to societal injustices and power struggles.

What kind of crime do you think is the biggest problem?

It is difficult to pinpoint one kind of crime as the biggest problem since it varies across different regions and communities. However, some common issues often highlighted include violence, organized crime, cybercrime, and drug-related offenses. It is important to address the underlying factors that contribute to these crimes, such as poverty, inequality, and social unrest, in order to effectively tackle them.

What differentiates police crime from crimes committed by police officers?

A police crime is where the police abuse their power (state organised crime), occupational crime corruption. It is referred to as Trusted white collar crime. The history of police crime is long and varied, involving violations of constitutional rights excessive use of force and related illegal acts to fulfill department objectives both state and federal. Whereas crimes committed by police are acts against people, abuse murder and assault. they are related to personal injury.