

How is prim killed?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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Prim and many other kids are taken to the capitol and parachutes fly down on top of them. They all think it is a gift, but it was Gale and Beetee's bomb idea. The parachutes were bombs and they killed Prim.

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President Snow ordered the bomb that killed Prim.

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Katniss killed Coin because it was her bombs that killed her sister, Prim. Snow was not lying when he said it wasn't his bombs that killed Prim.

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Prim died in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay the book. Prim died because President Coin (the one who killed her) thought if Prim was dead, Katniss would be broken on the inside. But Coin's plan back-fired. Katniss thought Snow killed her so, it led to more hatred to Snow.

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At first, she thought that it was President Snow's army that killed Prim because of the Capitol's helicopter that she saw, but when she met President Snow, he told her that it wasn't him. He claimed that he saw Plutarch's hand as one that dropped the bombs on the innocent children and medics. I'm wasn't sure if Katniss knew who killed Prim, but when I read that she shot Coin, I got my answer. Katniss knew that Coin ordered for the children to be bombed, and Coin knew that Prim would be there to help the children. I think that this is what drove Katniss to kill Coin.

Does prim get killed by gale in hunger games trilogy?

*SPOILER ALERT* He does not kill her directly. He is the one who created the bomb design of the bomb that killed her. Katniss dislikes him now for this.

Does prim die in mockingjay part 2?

Technically, President Coin kills Prim, since she sends the order to send down the parachutes that explode, ultimately killing Prim.But, Gale and Beetee play a part in Prim's demise, too, without even meaning to, as they created the bombs that killed Prim.

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Suzanne Collins killed Prim to illustrate the devastating consequences of war and the impact it has on innocent victims, even those who are not directly involved in the conflict. Prim's death serves as a powerful and emotional moment in the story, highlighting the senselessness and brutality of war.

Who dies in the Mocking Jay?

Finnick, Rebel Leader Coin, Katniss's bodyguard 'Boggs', Prim, President Snow, and many more.Katniss's sister Prim, Finnick Odair, the evil President Snow, President Alma Coin whom was responsible for the bombing that killed Prim, and Boggs

How is it Gale's bomb that kills Prim?

He bombed the courtyard where Prim was taking care of the wounded in order to ensure that all of the remaining Capitol supporters were dead. He did not know that Prim was in the courtyard trying to save lives. Coin couldn't control Katniss. She orders Prim into the bomb zone to take care of the wounded. Knowing she will be killed. She has to break Kat's will and mind. Killing Prim does this. Kat finds out it was coin who ordered Prim into the danger. She kills coin with an arrow in the end while Snow laughs. The then drops dead from all the poisons he's been taking.

Prim and .?

Prim and Proper,

Who kills prim in The Hunger Games?

she gets hit with a bomb that gale made so i guess gale killed her but the rebels set it off

Who killed prim in mocking jay?

We don't know for sure. It could have been Gale and Beetee's bomb, which Katniss believes, but there isn't a for-sure answer.