He made a bomb which he planted where the human shield of kids was, and when Prim was going to help them, another bomb, from Gale, came and blew her up, but he didn't know Prim was there.
Prim and many other kids are taken to the capitol and parachutes fly down on top of them. They all think it is a gift, but it was Gale and Beetee's bomb idea. The parachutes were bombs and they killed Prim.
The word pair for prim is proper PRIM AND PROPER
She was oh so prim and proper.
Prim in real life must be 13 years old I don't know for sure.
Gale didn't kill Prim. It was actually that Coin lady. Which at first I thought it was Snow.
By hunting with Katniss, Gale helps to provide food for Katniss' mother and Prim.
Gale Hawthorne kills Prim
Gale is Katniss's best friend. Prim is Katniss's sister. Madge is district 12's mayor's daughter.
she was sad and she spazzed out at gale
No because gale's bomb kills prim
Her mother, Prim, Peeta's father, and Gale.
she gets hit with a bomb that gale made so i guess gale killed her but the rebels set it off
katniss's, peeta's, Gale's, prim', and hamitch's home
katniss's, peeta's, Gale's, prim', and hamitch's home
Prim and many other kids are taken to the capitol and parachutes fly down on top of them. They all think it is a gift, but it was Gale and Beetee's bomb idea. The parachutes were bombs and they killed Prim.
Technically, President Coin kills Prim, since she sends the order to send down the parachutes that explode, ultimately killing Prim.But, Gale and Beetee play a part in Prim's demise, too, without even meaning to, as they created the bombs that killed Prim.