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Q: How is solving an equation that includes cubes similar to solving an equation that includes squares and how is it different?
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How are the rules for solving inequalities similar to those for solving equations?

Solving inequalities and equations are the same because both have variables in the equation.

How is solving an equation containing decimals similar to solving an equation containing fractions?

Fractions and decimals that represent the same value are equivalent. For example, 1//4 and 0.25 are equivalent.

How do you solve imaginary equations?

The answer depends on the nature of the equation. Just as there are different ways of solving a linear equation with a real solution and a quadratic equation with real solutions, and other kinds of equations, there are different methods for solving different kinds of imaginary equations.

How solving inequalities and solving equation are different?

its not much different besides the fact it has a '<' or a '>' insted of a '='. and you have to add/subtract/etc. a little diffrent.

What are the different steps in solvingradical equation?

The first step is produce the radical equation that needs solving.

How do you check your answer to an equation?

When you are solving an equation usually you are solving for x. If you want to check your answer just plug the values you got back in to the original function. Or you can use a different method to solve the equation and see if you get the same answer.

How is solving an inequality different from solving an equation?

In solving an inequality you generally use the same methods as for solving an equation. The main difference is that when you multiply or divide each side by a negative, you have to switch the direction of the inequality sign. The solution to an equation is often a single value, but the solution to an inequality is usually an infinite set of numbers, such as x>3.

What is the difference between simplifing an expression and solving an equation?

An equation is a ploblem with no answer and an expression is a problem with an answer so you'll get different answers with an equation and an expression.

How is solving a two step equation different from one step equations?

In a two step equation, you need to do another step.

What role of operations that applies when you are solving an equation does not apply when your solving an inequality?

What role of operations that applies when you are solving an equation does not apply when your solving an inequality?"

What method is used for solving a rational equation?

Methods vary considerably depending upon the number of powers in the equation. For example, the method for solving cubics is quite different to solving quadratics etc... It's not really possible to generalise to one technique.

Do you never balance and equation when solving?

No because you always keep an equation in balance when solving it