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Q: How is solving the equation using algebraic operations related to solving the equation using undoing?
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When solving an algebraic equation which operands do you perform first?

In algebra, you perform the operations inside parentheses first.

What role of operations that applies when you are solving an equation does not apply when your solving an inequality?

What role of operations that applies when you are solving an equation does not apply when your solving an inequality?"

What is the difference between a verbal model and a algebraic model?

The differnce between a verbal model and a algebraic model is that a verbal model is an equation written in words and a algebraic model is solving the equation from the verbal model.

What professions use order of operations?

No professions use order of operations. It is just a method of solving an equation.

What would you need to help you with it comes to solving equations?

When solving equations remember that whatever operations are performed on the LHS of the equation must be performed on its RHS to keep the equation in balance.

What the 1 equals 1?

Yes, one equals one. If you get that when solving an algebraic equation, the equation is true for all real numbers.

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How is it possible get no solution for an answer when solving an equation?

Some operations cannot be done. For example, if we take the equation x=2/0, there is no result, because division by 0 is not defined.

What are the methods for balancing chemical equation?

The main methods for balancing a chemical equation are inspection, trial and error, and algebraic methods. Inspection involves visually balancing the equation by adjusting the coefficients of the compounds. Trial and error involves systematically changing coefficients until the equation is balanced. Algebraic methods involve setting up and solving a system of linear equations to determine the coefficients.

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How do you know what operations to use when solving equations?

The simple rule to follow is that whatever is done on the Left Hand Side of the equation must be repeated on the Right Hand Side of the equation to keep it in 'balance'

What is the rule for solving equations?

Well, there is the order of operations, which depicts the order that you solve an equation with if you have more than one operation. Here is the order;ParenthesesExponentsMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtraction