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First off, let's clear up area and volume. Area is for two dimensional shapes, like squares and circles. Volume is for three dimensional shapes like cubes and spheres. The area of a cone would be the area of the ellipse at the base of the cone (the circle) plus the area of the pointy bit, when it's unrolled. This would be like the area you would need to paint if you painted the outside. Assuming that the base of the cone is a circle, then the area of the base is: pi * radius * radius (pies are square) The area of the pointy bit is: pi * radius * S, where S is the length of the slope from a point on to the circle to the tip (hypotenuse). Add the two together to get the total area = ( pi * r * S ) + ( pi * r * r ) Now the S length is really derived from the height of the cone (from the center of the circle to the point) and radius of the base circle. Remember Pythagoras, S = square root of ( ( h * h ) + ( r * r ) ) Well, if you are actually looking for the volume (how much water it takes to fill up the cone), then you need: volume = 1/3 * pi * radius * radius * height

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Q: How is the area of a cone calculated?
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Lateral area of a cone?

Yes, it exists and can be calculated but you need more information than is provided in the question.

What is the formula for the surface area of a cone?

Area = πSr + πr² Where: S = the slant length of the cone r = radius of the base πr² = area of the base of the cone πSr = area of outside of cone -------------------------------------------------------------- The surface area of the cone is the sum of the area of the base and the slanted surface. The area of the base is the area of a circle = πr² The area of the slanted surface can be calculated by realising that if the slanted surface is cut by a straight line from the apex to the base it can be "unrolled" into a sector of a circle. Thus it is a fraction of the area of a circle. The length of the circumference of the sector is the length of the circumference of the base of the cone; the length of the whole circle from which this is a sector is the circle with radius of the slant height of the cone; thus: area slanted surface = πS² × ((2πr)/(2πS)) = πSr Thus the surface area of a cone = area base + area slant surface → surface_area_cone = πr² + πSr = πr(r + S) where r is the radius of the base and S is the slant height.

The surface area formula for a right cone is the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone?

False. The surface area formula for a right cone is not the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone.

How do you find the surface area of ANY 3D solid?

The surface area of a polyhedron can be calculated by first calculating the area of each of its polygonal surfaces and adding these together.The surface area of some curved solids (sphere, cylinder, cone) can be calculated from formula but for most curved solids are more complicated and require integration.

Which has a smaller surface area - cone or sphere?


How is the volume of a half full cone calculated?

The simple is to calculate the volume of the cone and subtract from the result the volume of the cone whose altitude is 1/2 the altitude of the original cone. This is easier said than done. The volume of a cone with circular base is (1/3)πr2s where r is the radius of the base and s is the altitude. The radius of the base of the empty part of the cone and hence its area can be found by using the pythagorean theorem

Formula for area of cone?

Curved surface area of a cone = pi*radius*slant length

Suface area of cone?

Curved surface area of a cone = pi*radiud*length of slant

Where is the face of a cone?

The face of the cone is on the bottom of the cone. For example, when looking at a birthday hat, the area that touches the table is the face of the cone. Same with an ice cream cone. The area of the ice cream cone that touches the ice cream is the face. Go to you can see a picture of cone. The highlighted blue area is the face of the cone.

What is the formula for the area of a cone?

The formula for the area of a cone is one-third multiplied by the base multiplied by the hight.

What is a lateral area of a cone formula?

The curved surface area of a cone is: pi*radius*slant length.