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Q: How is the area of a triangle related to the volume of a triangular prism?
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How to find the volume of a triangular prism?

You find the volume of a triangular prism by using this formula: Volume = 1/2 base of the triangle x height of the triangle x height of the prism.

Formula for volume of triangular prism?

To find the volume of a triangular prism, find the area of one of the triangles (base of the prism) first (base x height divided by 2). When you have the area of the triangle, then multiply the area of the triangle by the height of the prism, *not the height of the base.

How do you find volume in a triangular prism?

The answer depends on what measurements you do have.

What is the formula for finding the volume of a triangular based prism?

Volume = Area of the base X height of prism. This formula works for all prisms, not just triangular prisms. Area of a triangle = height of triangle X 1/2 X base of triangle.

What is the triangular prism volume formula?

The Formula is Base*Height, or 1/2 Height (altitude of the triangle) * Base (of the Triangle) * height (Height of the prism)

What is the difference between a triangle and a triangular prism?

a triangle is 2D whereas a triangular prism is 3D.

What shape does a triangular prism have that a rectanglar prism does not have?

A triangular prism has a triangle and a rectangular prism doesn't.

How do U find the volume of a triangular prism?

One half base times height of the triangle times length of the prism.

What is the formula for the volume of a 3-d triangle?

(1/2bxh)xl is the formula for a triangular prism

Find the volume of a triangle?

A triangle is a 2-dimensional object. It has no volume but the volume of an triangular prism is ( volume=Length*width*height ) as well ever since.

Does a triangle prism have a base?

Every prism has a base. For a triangular prism the base is a triangle.

What is the top view of a triangular prism?

the top viw of a triangular prism is a triangle