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Q: How is the army block plane usually operated?
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What is the official address of Indian Army Chief?

Chief of the Army StaffArmy Headquarters,South Block,DHQ P.O. New Delhi - 110011

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There is no such thing as an Islamic Army. An army is usually attributed to a nation state, not to a group of individuals.

When do you get your uniform for the army?

usually during your first day at the army reception battalion

How does it feel to see your husband or sweetheart get off the plane coming home from the army?

Very good.

How much was the first airplane sold for?

The Wright brothers sold their plane to the Army for 25,000. The army gave them a bonus of 5,000 so the final cost was 30,000.

When a man in the army gets married what does he wear?

Usually, his dress-up Army uniform.

What did the south name its army after?

The south named its armies for the Department in which they operated. The entire south was divided into military departments, with a commander in each, who was also commander of the army troops in his Department. Thus, Lee commanded the Department of Northern Virginia (which was Virginia north of the James River) and so his army was the Army of Northern Virginia. The other main Rebel Army was the Army of Tennessee, from the Department of Tennessee. The north named its armies after rivers, so there was the Army of the Potomac, the Army of the Ohio, The Army of the Cumberland, the Army of the James, the Army of the Tennessee, and so on.