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Q: How is the cross section of an apple like the cross section of earth?
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What is the definition of a uniform cross-section?

A Uniform Cross Section is the cross section of the solid, parallel to base, such that the resulting figure has the same shape and size as that of the base of the figure.More about Uniform Cross SectionSolids like pyramids and cones have slant heights and hence do not have uniform cross section.Examples of Uniform Cross SectionThe uniform cross section of the given prism is a square.The uniform cross section of the given cylinder is a circle.In short to say, uniform cross-section are when you dissect a 3D solid and you get all same shape (uniform).

What is a cross section?

A cross section imagines what something would look like if you cut it in half (or more or less in half) and looked at the surface that was exposed by the cut.

What does a cone prism look like?

By definition, the circular cross-section of a cone changes linearly in width as you go along its axis. By definition, the cross-section of a prism is constant along its axis. So, by definition, a cone prism is an impossible shape.

What is an example of a cross section?

take a 3-dimensional object, and picture a sharp knife cutting it.More correctly, a "plane" (thus, 2-dimensional) going through it.The point at which the knife - or plane - intersects or touches the 3D object, is its cross section.In a simple case, for example a sphere (meaning a "ball" with no middle, only a surface) then ANY cross section of it will be a "circle", (if you are "just touching it" you'd have a point, which is -- sort of like a circle of 0 radius).That is the geometric definition.A "practical" definition might be the "cross section of an airplane body". In THIS case your cross section would show the outer skin, the frame, the inner wall, the seats, floor, air ducts, wiring, hydraulic lines (which would look like 'o' because you presumably sliced it perpendicular to the way it is going), etc. Thus a computer aided design or drafting (CAD) program could show you a "slice" of something - a cross section - at any point, to for example see how close something is to something else, etc.Another cross-section example would be CAT scans - such as for a brain problem - each computer generated slice is a "cross section" of the brain at that distance say from the top of your head (though it could be shown front to back, or probably any angle) - but what you are seeing is the intersection of a "plane" and the object.

What does a decagon look like in a picture?

it could be a the American Red Cross...

Related questions

How is earth's interior like an apple?

The Earth, like an apple, has a core. You can also think of the outer layer of the apple as the crust. The inside could be the mantle. The core could be the core. The big core, where the seeds are, would be the inner core.

What is the definition of a uniform cross-section?

A Uniform Cross Section is the cross section of the solid, parallel to base, such that the resulting figure has the same shape and size as that of the base of the figure.More about Uniform Cross SectionSolids like pyramids and cones have slant heights and hence do not have uniform cross section.Examples of Uniform Cross SectionThe uniform cross section of the given prism is a square.The uniform cross section of the given cylinder is a circle.In short to say, uniform cross-section are when you dissect a 3D solid and you get all same shape (uniform).

What is a cross section?

A cross section imagines what something would look like if you cut it in half (or more or less in half) and looked at the surface that was exposed by the cut.

What does plywood look like in cross section?

isFirst of, I don't know what plywood is. Second, what is a cross secetion

How does a cross section of a tree look like?

the inside has things crossed

What is a cross section drawing?

A cross section imagines what something would look like if you cut it in half (or more or less in half) and looked at the surface that was exposed by the cut.

What is a Cross-Section drawing?

A cross section imagines what something would look like if you cut it in half (or more or less in half) and looked at the surface that was exposed by the cut.

How is apple like earth?

Because it has a core and it is round

How is the earth's crust like the skin of an apple?

The Earth's crust is like the skin of an apple because it is the outermost layer of the Earth, just like the skin is the outermost layer of an apple. Both the Earth's crust and the apple skin serve as a protective layer, shielding the inner parts from external influences. Additionally, just as an apple's skin can vary in thickness and texture, so can the Earth's crust in different regions.

What is mearnt by fission cross-section?

In nuclear physics, a cross section is essentially the probability that a nucleus will interact with something. An isotope with a high fission cross section, like U-235, is very likely to absorb a thermal (slow) neutron and undergo fission. The cross section has units of area, usually cm2, which is where the name comes from. When the cross section is multiplied by the neutron flux, the product is the fission rate, or number of fissions per second.

What does earth symbol meaning?

The astronomical symbol for Earth is a cross surrounded by a circle. The cross probably comes from the Earth being personified as a Goddess, like Mother Earth.

How earth interior like an apple?

The Earth's interior is like an apple in the sense that it has distinct layers of varying thickness and composition. Just like the layers of an apple (skin, flesh, and core), the Earth is made up of the crust, mantle, and core. Each layer has unique properties and plays a vital role in the Earth's geology and dynamics.