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Q: How is the proportion of Carbon 14 kept relatively constant in living orgasnisms?
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What is Avogadro constant?

Avogadro constant or number is the number of atoms in one mole, which is equal to 6.0221415 × 10^23. Edited to: The Avogadro constant is the number of particles (atoms, molecules or compounds) in one mole of a substance. It is the number of atoms in exactly 12g of carbon-12. As for all other elements, one mole of those is found in the relative atomic mass of that substance which is calculated relative to one twelfth of a carbon-12 atom e.g. one mole of oxygen atoms is in 16g of oxygen... and a mole was experiemtally worked out to contain 6.0221415 × 10^23 particles.

How do you change the gravitational constant of the universe?

The universe has a detachable plastic cover at the back. Remove this cover using a Philips screwdriver. You will see small thumb wheels labeled, Gravitational Constant, Plank's Constant, Boltzman's Constant, Speed of Light, mass of electron, etc. These can be changed by turning the thumb wheel either towards the "+" or "-" signs. Caution! Unless you know exactly what you're up to, don't play around with these dials. If you change these constants even ever so slightly, the results can be quite dramatic and you may not be able to turn them back. For example, if your new settings don't allow the existance of calcium, carbon or iron, then you're goosed!

Atomic mass and number for carbon?

atomic mass of carbon=12 atomic number of carbon=6

What are the elements of carbon and oxygen?

Carbon and oxygen are two natural chemical elements, nonmetals.

Compare 1 gram sample of carbon 12 be more that 1 gram of carbon 13?

The mass of 1 gram of carbon 12 is the same mass as 1 gram of carbon 13.

Related questions

Which two processes are responsible for keeping the percentage of atmospheric oxygen at relatively constant levels?

Oxygen is produced by plants and blue-green algae and consumed by burning and animals breathing.

There is a greater proportion of carbon-14 in?

NEw bones.

How can carbon-14 dating provide the age of a dead animal or plant?

The half-life of carbon is known in living organisms- the amount of carbon-14 remains constant, after death. no new carbon-14 enters the organism, scientists measure the proportion of carbon-14 in the organism and calculate how it differs from the amount that would have been there if the organism would be alive, from this differenct, they determine the age.

Why would carbon dating work if carbon atoms did not decay at a constant rate?

Statistically carbon-14 atoms decay at a constant rate.

How does the amount of carbon in the atmosphere stay the same?

The amount of carbon in the atmosphere stays relatively constant through a balance of carbon sources and sinks. Natural processes, like photosynthesis and respiration, regulate the levels of carbon dioxide. However, human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, have disrupted this balance by releasing excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Would carbon dating work if carbon-14 atoms did not decay at a constant rate and why?

Statistically carbon-14 atoms decay at a constant rate.

Why the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen remains constant in the atmosphere?

the concentration and of carbon dioxide and oxygen remains constant in the atmosphere because when human throw carbon dioxide out of their body so plants take it and when plants throw oxygen so human take it.

What law is described by the fact that the ratio of the mass of oxygen in carbon dioxide to the mass of oxygen in carbon monoxide?

law of multiple proportion

What 2 processes are responsible for keeping the percentage of atmospheric oxygen at a constant level?

Photosynthesis by plants and algae, and respiration by animals and other organisms help maintain the percentage of atmospheric oxygen at a relatively constant level. Photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide and produces oxygen, while respiration does the opposite.

Does carbon increase in density as universe ages?

Carbon density in the universe does not change over time as the total amount of carbon remains constant. The distribution of carbon throughout the universe may change due to elements being recycled through stellar processes, but the overall density of carbon remains relatively stable.

Is carbon dating is a type of technology currently used to study the past?

Yes, measurements of the ratio of carbon-14 (radioactive) to carbon-12 (nonradioactive) in a sample is used as a type of clock to determine the age of the sample. BTW, ever wonder why C14 dating works? Presumably, the organism is eating a constant proportion of C14 while it lives. So when it dies, the C14 is not being replenished. Sounds awful fishy to me, but what else is there? I would have like the process better if the organism were making C14 at a constant rate-- but alas, not so.

What Is a way to calculate the age of an organic object by measuring the proportion of carbon 14 present?

This is known as 'carbon dating'. You can find out how it works from Wikipedia