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Q: What is percent amount of oxigen in air?
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What is 0.07 percent of the air?

A tiny amount of air.

What Gases are present in unpolluted air?

carbon dioxide, and oxigen

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How do crabs brethe?

They extract oxigen (O) out of water (H2O) when in water or simlpy out of the air when in open air.

What happen to the oxygen when rached the lungs?

oxigen will exchange with carbondioxid by normal air role

What two gases are present in unpolluted air?

carbon dioxide, and oxigen

What is the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Air is 20.5 percent oxygen.

What are properties of air that it make possible to be fractional distilled?

Components of air (nitrogen, oxigen, argon, xenon, etc.) have different boiling points.

Most of earths dry air is made up of?

Most of Earth's dry air is made up of nitrogen (approximately 78%) and oxygen (approximately 21%). Other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases make up the remaining percentage.

What percent does water vapor make up of atmospheric gases?

Water vapor makes up approximately 0.25-4% of the Earth's atmosphere, varying depending on location and weather conditions.

Is oxigen the same as oxygen?

No, "oxigen" is a misspelling of "oxygen." Oxygen is a chemical element that is essential for life and is commonly found in the Earth's atmosphere.

Percent hydrogen in air?

The composition of air is about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and less than 1% other gases, including argon, carbon dioxide, and trace gases. Hydrogen is not a significant component of the Earth's atmosphere and is typically present in very small traces, less than 0.01%.