One is not "better" than the other, if you want to be a mathematician then the study of math would be "better" in the same sense that a linguist would be better off studying English language.
Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. These can be understood and described using mathematics and that is the reason that mathematics is referred to as the language of physics.
mathematics is a language of communicate .never the less i didnt knw anythng about it.........maths require decipline to solve...
The laws of physics depend on mathematics - sometimes very complex mathematics.
Love and Music are the two natural languages that exist in our environment. And the Mathematics stands at the third place. By Music you can make a person understand your emotions. You can talk to a person using your emotions. So it's a language. By Love you can make a person understand your feelings, we can talk to your pets and babies with this language. Mathematics can help you communicate your feelings and emotions quantitatively. Like, I am feeling happy and emotionally contained as I had two delicious apples in the morning with some milk :) You can brag someone by telling that I have 100 followers on twitter. Maths is a language. The language that ancient people used to count everything and manage society. And we still use it !! Maths has evolved over time like any other language. People study mathematics to learn and evolve this language. Also, like any 'other' language not everyone is proficient in this language but like any other 'natural' language everyone needs mathematics day in and day out. :) Cheers !! Kapil
Math is more straightforward - in general, answers are either right or wrong. English is subject to interpretation. Also, unlike English, the principles of mathematics are generally unchanging.
a class in which you study the English vocabulary and learn to write better
In order to understand English, you have to study and use the language. He studied for years in order to understand mathematics.
Jana Echevarria has written: 'Magical Encounter and SIOP Model Bundle, A' 'Implementing the SIOP Model Through Effective Professional Development and Coaching' 'Sheltered content instruction' -- subject- s -: Foreign speakers, Study and teaching, Individualized instruction, Correlation with content subjects, English language, Language arts 'Making content comprehensible for K-6 English learners' -- subject- s -: Foreign speakers, Correlation with content subjects, Language arts, English language, Study and teaching - Elementary - 'Making content comprehensible for English learners' -- subject- s -: Foreign speakers, Correlation with content subjects, Language arts, English language, Study and teaching - Elementary - 'The SIOP model for teaching mathematics to English learners' -- subject- s -: Study and teaching, Mathematics, Study and teaching - Secondary -, Foreign speakers, Second language acquisition, English language, Study and teaching - Elementary -
Russell Monroe Gersten has written: 'Practices for English-language learners' -- subject(s): Bilingual method, Study and teaching, Second language acquisition, English language 'Teaching English-language learners with learning difficulties' -- subject(s): Foreign speakers, Study and teaching, Education, Learning disabled, English language, Learning disabilities 'Understanding RTI in mathematics' -- subject(s): Response to intervention (Learning disabled children), Mathematics, Remedial teaching
Raymond A. Zepp has written: 'Language and mathematics education' 'Language and mathematics education' -- subject(s): Mathematics, Study and teaching (Secondary), Study and teaching (Elementary), Teaching, Language and education 'Around Battambang'
Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. These can be understood and described using mathematics and that is the reason that mathematics is referred to as the language of physics.
Churchill loved fencing (he was the school fencing champion), History and the study of the English language - he excelled at these He did not like Latin (he stubbornly studied the English language instead) and struggled with mathematics (he called them "sums")
Yes, many Indonesians study English.
Triangles are an important part of mathematics (there is a whole branch of mathematics devoted to the study of triangles, called trigonometry) and mathematics is the language of science.
1 Account 2 Commerce 3 Business studies 4 Mathematics 5 English 6 Any language of your choice
Tom Ciancone has written: 'Numeracy in the adult ESL classroom' -- subject(s): Foreign speakers, Study and teaching, Mathematics, English language