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Both are made of many small particles that have been bonded together.

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Q: How is the sugar cube like sedimentary rock if examining a sugar cube with a hand lens?
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How is a sugar cube like a sedimentary rock?

A sugar cube looks like a sedimentary rock because, it has small and tiny particals such as those tiny crystals you see in a sugar cube. A sedimentary rock on the other hand, is composed of small sediments, like a sugar cube is composed of small particals and crystals.

How is the sugar cube look like a sedimentary rock?

A sugar cube is similar to a sedimentary rock in that both are made up of compacted layers of material. The sugar crystals in a sugar cube are pressed together under pressure, similar to how sediments are compacted over time to form sedimentary rocks like sandstone or shale. Additionally, both sugar cubes and sedimentary rocks can be easily broken or dissolved.

What dissolves quicker in water one gram of cube sugar or one gram of caster sugar?

Caster sugar dissolves quicker in water than cube sugar due to its finer granules and larger surface area, allowing for faster dissolution. Cube sugar, on the other hand, has a more compact structure that takes longer to break down in water.

How does heat flow when you put an ice cube on you hand?

It flows, by conduction, from your hand to the ice cube.

Does cube suger take longer to dissolve in warm water than granulated suger?

Yes, cube sugar typically takes longer to dissolve in warm water compared to granulated sugar. This is because the larger surface area of granulated sugar allows it to dissolve more quickly due to increased contact with the water molecules. Cube sugar, on the other hand, has a smaller surface area, which slows down the dissolution process.

Why does ice melt in your hand and make your hand cold?

your body temperature is higher than that of an ice cube's, so your fast-moving molecules in your hand hit the slow-moving molecules in the ice cube, warming it up. the transfer of ice to water is just to let the atoms and molecules move about free-er in liquid form.

Why does an ice cube melt faster in your hand than the ice cube on table?

Your hand is much warmer than the table.

How is the drug LSD taken or used?

LSD in its pure form is a clear liquid that is odorless and almost virtually tasteless. It is usually put onto a piece of paper called a "blotter", but sometimes comes in a tab form. It can also be sold in its liquid form and put onto things like candy, or sugar cubes, or mixed with drinks.

How does heat flow when you place an cube in your hand?

ur momWhen an ice cube is placed in your hand, the heat flows from your hand to the ice. This raises the temperature of the ice, causing it to melt.

Which would melt ice cube faster hand or table?


What does Charles Burton Barber's painting Trust look like?

It is a picture of a large dog, Newfoundland I think, seated with a young girl in Victorian dress, holding a silver sugar bowl in one hand, and resting a sugar cube on the dogs nose.

What happens when you hold an ice cube in your hand?

Well the transfer of heat is called "Erected energy transfer" and is the same heat/energy that makes your penis warmer than the rest of the body when erected, hence the term "Erected energy transfer".