When adding whole numbers using mental math, you typically focus on the place value of each digit and add from right to left. When adding decimals using mental math, you also consider the place value of each digit but pay attention to the decimal point's position. You align the decimal points before adding, ensuring the correct placement of the decimal point in the sum. Additionally, when adding decimals, you may need to adjust the placement of the decimal point in the final answer based on the number of decimal places in the numbers being added.
Well, honey, using mental math to add decimals is just like adding whole numbers, but with a little twist. You still line up the decimals and add from right to left, but now you gotta keep track of those pesky decimal points. So, it's basically the same song and dance, just with a fancier outfit.
No difference. Both require you to think it out rather than write it out.
5.5, 5.6
It is using the scientific notation.
5.1,5.2, 5.3.
No difference. Both require you to think it out rather than write it out.
how do i make a stem and leaf plot with decimals
It is 5.50,5.75,5.25
5.6 and 5.9
5.6, 5.7
0.01 and 0.02
5.5, 5.6
It is using the scientific notation.
5.1,5.2, 5.3.
1.5, 1.7
4.000000000001, 4.2323232323... , 4.142859..