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Q: How is visual lead time measured?
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How time was measured when pendulum clocks was not available?

in earlier times time was measured by sandclock or waterclock

What is the formula for tons per hour?

Mass divided by time, where the mass is measured in tons and the time is measured in hours. If the mass and time are measured in other units they will need to be converted to tons and hours.

If the 1st 2nd and 3rd dimensions can be measured in distance units can the 4th dimension or time be measured using the same units?

No - because time is measured in seconds, not linear distance.

Why the time line useful?

A timeline is a visual aid, that makes it easy to see what event happened after or before what other event, and that gives a visual clue about how much time elapsed between the events.A timeline is a visual aid, that makes it easy to see what event happened after or before what other event, and that gives a visual clue about how much time elapsed between the events.A timeline is a visual aid, that makes it easy to see what event happened after or before what other event, and that gives a visual clue about how much time elapsed between the events.A timeline is a visual aid, that makes it easy to see what event happened after or before what other event, and that gives a visual clue about how much time elapsed between the events.

Why are there so many units of time?

It depends on the circumstances. Time needs to be measured in different units depending on how it's applied. For example:- Computer processing speed is measured in milliseconds Ordinary time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. Large periods of time are measured in centuries and millennia.

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When Driving whAT IS The recommended visual lead time on a city street?

1 city block or 12 seconds

What is difference between lead time and cycle time?

Lead time is the total time it takes from receiving an order to delivering the product or service to the customer, including processing and waiting time. Cycle time, on the other hand, is the time it takes to complete one cycle of a task or process. In manufacturing, lead time includes all steps from ordering materials to delivering final products, while cycle time focuses on the actual production time.

Will there be a tornadoes in Unionville tonight?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict a tornado in advance. Warnings have a lead time measured in minutes.

What infections cause visual impairment?

Some infections that may lead to visual impairment include:

What are visual-motor skills?

Visual-motor skills-- Hand-eye coordination; in the Bender-Gestalt test, visual-motor skills are measured by the subject's ability to accurately perceive and then reproduce figures.

What is vdi?

vdi is Visual data index ,which is measured in the value of Ra for the roughness measurement.

How do thermometers measured heat?

with the help of lead.

An ideal visual lead in front of your vehicle is seconds?


Can damage to the occipital lobe possibly result in visual hallucinating?

Yes, damage to the occipital lobe can lead to visual hallucinations. The occipital lobe is responsible for processing visual information, so damage to this part of the brain can disrupt normal visual processing and potentially lead to hallucinations.

How is visual lead measured while driving?

VISUAL LEAD TIMEDriving a vehicle is much the same targeting task as firing a gun or piloting an aircraft. You look through the target not at it when you fire a gun. Pilots use the horizon as their target when flying. You must look a minimum of THIRTY SECONDS ahead of your vehicle on urban as well as highway roads.The best drivers are those that observe the horizon, day and night, and scan up, down, left and right in a constant scan using their central zone vision. When shortened visual lead times exist, they rely upon their imagination and memory to plan the path to the ever distant horizon.

What unit measures the mass of a pencil lead?

The mass of a pencil lead is typically measured in grams.

Pictures that can be measured in milligrams?

It is not possible to measure pictures in milligrams, as milligrams are a unit of weight, while pictures are a visual representation. However, digital images can be stored in file sizes measured in bytes or megabytes, but these measurements are based on the data size and not the visual content.