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taking each side of the object and measuring how big and timing it to see what the answer is.

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Q: How is volume calculated?
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Area is calculated in dimensions and volume is calculated in dimensions?

area is 2, volume is 3

How is the surface area-to-volume to a cell calculated?

Surface area and volume calculated separately. Then the ratio is taken

What is the calculated by dividing mass by volume?

Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume. It is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance.

What substance that is calculated by its mass by volume?

No substance is calculated that way. Mass per unit volume is called the density of a substance or object, which is a property or unit of measure of a substance.

What is density calculated by?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass and volume of an object.

Why will the volume on can will be different to the calculated volume?

The difference may be due to the thickness of the can.

How is density calculated?

mass divided by volume

How to read the volume and mass of substances?

The volume and mass need to be calculated from measurements, but they are not read.

What is the definition of calculated volume?

volume is the amount of space occupied by a 3-demensional object.

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume?

Yes. Density = mass ÷ volume

What is the formula in getting the volume of a classroom?

There is no formula for calculating the volume of a classroom. A classroom's volume will be calculated based upon the shape of the room. If the classroom has the shape of a cube or rectangular prism, its approximate volume can be calculated by multiplying the length by the width by the height of the room.

Can the density of an object be calculated by dividing its length by its width?

No, density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. The formula for density is density = mass/volume. Length and width are measurements of size, not mass or volume.