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The difference may be due to the thickness of the can.

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Q: Why will the volume on can will be different to the calculated volume?
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Two objects can have the same volume but different densities if they have different masses. Density is calculated as mass divided by volume, so if the masses of the two objects are different even though their volumes are the same, their densities will also be different.

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Because liquid and solid are two different things

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How are mass volume and density different from each other?

Mass is how much a thing weighs, Volume is how much space it takes up, and Density is how much it weighs per unit volume and is calculated as mass/volume

How is the surface area-to-volume to a cell calculated?

Surface area and volume calculated separately. Then the ratio is taken

What is the calculated by dividing mass by volume?

Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume. It is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance.

How is the density different from mass and volume?

Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance. Mass is the amount of matter in an object, while volume is the amount of space that an object occupies. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.

What substance that is calculated by its mass by volume?

No substance is calculated that way. Mass per unit volume is called the density of a substance or object, which is a property or unit of measure of a substance.

What is density calculated by?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass and volume of an object.

What determines the density of a substance and how is it calculated?

The density of a substance is determined by its mass and volume. It is calculated by dividing the mass of the substance by its volume. The formula for density is: Density Mass / Volume.

What factors determine density?

The factors that determine density include the mass and volume of a substance. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. Different substances have different densities based on how closely packed their molecules are. Temperature and pressure can also affect the density of a substance.