The city Twenty nine Palms covers 59.1 square miles. The 2013 population was estimated at 25,768.
The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, known as 29 Palms Base, covers 931.7 square miles.
6 twenty nine times.
Negative twenty nine minus negative twenty one is negative eight.
Nine million, eight hundred nine thousand, eight hundred twenty one.It is nine million eight hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty one.
six hundred and twenty-one point nine
29th or twenty-ninth
Arizona will be east of Twenty-Nine Palms (or Twenty-Nine Stumps as we in the old Corps would say). Nevada will be at a northeastern direction as the crow flies.
42 miles across SR-62 (Twentynine Palms Hwy) WEST.
It is 351 (three hundred fifty-one) miles from Los Angeles, CA to 29 Palms.
Square miles is a measurement of AREA. The "palm" is an ancient Egyptian (and English) measurement of LENGTH / DISTANCE. Thus the two can not be equated.
twenty-nine palms
Written about Alannah Myles (When I hear your voice on the radio). She and Robert were together for a while.
Desert Center or Twenty Nine Palms, CA
The route with the shortest driving time is about 300 miles.
6 twenty nine times.
The spelling is "twenty aught nine" or twenty-oh-nine, an expression for the year 2009.
29,000,000,000,023 is read as twenty-nine-trillion- twenty-three.
ur an idiot how do u not know what nine twenty fifths is it's .36