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In 1987 approximately 101 establishments were engaged in the extraction of uranium, radium, and vanadium ores from mines in the United States. These establishments employed about 2,300 workers who produced approximately $268 million worth of ores

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Q: How large was SIC 1094 in the late 1980s?
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What is SIC 1094?

Establishments primarily engaged in mining vanadium ore are classified in SIC 1094: Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ores

What were SIC 3996 revenues in the 1980s?

By 1989, industry participants were enjoying sales of $1.4 billion.

What were 1997 stats for SIC 1094?

In 1997, 29 operations employed about 700 people who were engaged in the production of uranium, radium, and vanadium ores. Per production worker, the average value added in 1997 was $175,700.

What caused increased SIC 3625 sales in the 1980s?

Overall demand for electronic components grew during the 1980s, bolstered by the proliferation of personal computers and peripherals, telecommunications equipment, and the integration of electronics into industrial and consumer products.

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The SIC for Retail Bakeries is SIC 5461

How many SIC 3483 companies were there in the 1990s?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 53 establishments operated in this category in the late 1990s.

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SIC 2032

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SIC 2032

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SIC 3829

What was the SIC?

The SIC was the Standard Industrial Classification

What is Latin for thus it stands?

Sic 'Sic' means simply 'thus.' If you really want 'Thus it stands,' that's 'Sic stat.'

What is the Latin word for thus?
