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Q: How long a cheetah can maintain a speed of 70 miles per hour?
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If a cheetah runs 60 miles a hour how much can he run if he maintain that speed at half an hour?

Average speed of Cheetah = 60 mph(miles per hour) Since 30 minutes is half and hour you will halve 60 by half. 60 mph = 1 hour 60/2 = 30 mph Answer - The cheetah can run up to 30 miles a hour (if he maintains the speed of 60 miles a hour).

What is the speed of cheetah?

Cheetahs can reach up to 70 miles an hour, and can maintain it for a minute or so, before they need to rest for about half an hour.

How fast can the cheetah go?

The Cheetah on average runs about 40 miles per hour. The Cheetah is able to reach top speed of about 70 miles per hour.

What is the fastest speed a cheetah can obtain?

The cheetah can reach up to 75 miles per hour.

A cheetah can run at a speed of 70 miles per hour for a distance of 200 yards For how many seconds is the cheetah able to maintain this speed?

Yes, Cheetah is able to run at the speed of 192 km/h or 170mi/h but it can maintain its speed for an average chase or less or if it tries to run for more time more faster, it may die. Written by Rohan Vaidya

What are a cheetah's features?

80 miles per hour top speed

What is the speed of a cheetah running 100 miles in 2 hours?

50 miles per hour.

The top speeed of a cheetah is about 70 miles per hour. At this speed how many meters will a cheetah travel in 1 second?

At 70 miles per hour a cheetah is covering 31.3 meters every second.

What is the speed of a cheater?

A cheetah - note the spelling - can reach speeds between 70 and 76 miles per hour for distances of up to a mile, but they cannot maintain these speeds for longer than that.

Find the fastest mammal on land tiger kangaroo cheetah or fox?

a cheetah (This cat can reach a speed of 65 miles an hour.)

Who is fastest among ostrich and cheetah?

A cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. An ostrich can run at top speed of about 30 mph. A cheetah can run at top speed of about 70 mph. Answer an Ostrich can run up to 40 miles per hour (MPH). A cheetah can run up to 70 miles per hour (MPH). A cheetah is faster.

What is the top speed of an elephant?

Elephants can run up to 25 miles per hour. To compare, a cheetah can run up to 120 miles per hour.