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Make the following assumptions:

-- Ignore air resistance ===> all objects fall at the same rate, i.e. same distance in the same time.

-- It drops from a stand-still ... nobody throws it down.

x = 1/2 G t2

t = sqrt( 2x / G ) = sqrt(140/32.2) = sqrt(4.348) = 2.085 seconds (rounded)

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Q: How long does it take a penny to drop 70 feet?
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first you drop the penny in the cup of pepsi for 2 to 3 weeks then you will see little particles of metal on the top then take the penny out it should be a little disolved and alot cleaner.

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112/96 = 1. 16666-seconds

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actually, you'd get sucked down under with the boat. the pressure and pull of the water would suck you down and then compress you. sucks, right?

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It depends on what height you drop it from.

You swallow a penny by accident how long does it take to come out?

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How long does it take to digest a penny?

You don't, it comes out the other end.

How long does it take paintball bullet to fall?

If it breaks on impact, it would be almost instantaneously.