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1 radian = approx 9.5 minutes so 2.5 radians = 23.9 minutes. Therefore 2.5 p radians = 23.9p minutes.

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Q: How long does it take for the minute hand on a clock to pass through 2.5 p radians?
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How many radians does the minute hand of a clock rotate in 1.75 hours?

Since there are 2 Pi radians in one complete turn, then the minute hand turns 1.75 * 2 Pi radians in 1.75 hours.

How many radians does the second hand of a clock turn through in thirty second?

The second hand of a clock completes a full revolution every 60 seconds, which is equal to 2π radians. Therefore, in 30 seconds, the second hand turns through π radians.

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The angular velocity of the second hand of a clock is pi/30 radians per second.

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90 degrees or (pi)/2 radians, with the hour hand on the right end and the minute hand pointing up.

How many degrees does the minute hand on a clock travel when it moves through one minute?

6 degrees.

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That motion is called angular motion. The angular speed of the second hand is 2pi radians per minute.

What is on a clock face?

Generally, the numbers 1 through 12, a minute hand, a second hand, and an hour hand.

How many degrees does a clock make an minute?

The minute hand passes through 360 degrees in an hour and 6 degrees in a minute

What are the magnitude of the angular velocity and the angular accelaration of the second hand of a clock?

The magnitude of the angular velocity of the second hand of a clock is 6 degrees per second (360 degrees divided by 60 seconds), while the angular acceleration is zero since the second hand moves at a constant speed.

Through how many degrees does the minute hand of a clock turn in 10 minutes?


What is the angular velocity of the minute hand?

The angular velocity of the minute hand can be calculated as 2π radians divided by the time it takes to complete one full revolution, which is 60 minutes. Therefore, the angular velocity of the minute hand is π/30 radians per minute.

Which has more momentum a second hand on a clock or a minute hand on a clock?

the second hand