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Q: How long does it take to free fall 2000 feet?
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your weiner.

How long does it take to fall 2500 ft?

Assuming that it is a free fall under gravity, that acceleration due to gravity is 32 feet/sec^2, and that air resistance can be ignored, the answer is 3.33... (recurring) minutes.

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Which is longer 2000 feet wide or 1 mile long?

One mile long is 5,280 feet so there's your answer.

How long does it take to fall 2712 feet?

If the air isn't slowing you down and the only force on you is the force of gravity,then you fall 2,712 feet in 12.98 seconds. (rounded)

How long would it take to fall 2600 feet?

It would take 12.75 seconds to fall 2600 feet with gravity, s= 1/2 g t2

How long will it take object to hit the ground falling 500 ft?

It will take approximately 7.1 seconds for an object to fall 500 feet assuming free fall in a vacuum. This time can vary slightly depending on air resistance and other factors.

How long does it take to fall 240 feet?

It all depends on how much you weigh.

How long is 2000 feet in miles?

1 mile = 5280ft 2000ft = 2000/5280 = 25/66 ~= 0.38

How long can a human fall without dying during the fall?

A human can safely fall 99 feet so long as he starts at least 100 feet off the ground.

How long does it take to free fall 1200 feet?

After 5 seconds your speed is about 160 feet per second due to gravity speed = gt = 32 x 5 = 160 You travel a distance in 5 seconds of 1/2gt^2 = 400 feet After that it depends on weight but due to air resistance speed is constant near 160 feet per second so to go next 800 feet takes about 5 seconds Total time = 10 seconds to free fall 1200 feet If there were no air, it would take take only about 8.5 seconds

How long is 2000 mm?

In feet its 6,561.68 ft and in centimeters its 200,000 cm