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The mean distance from the Sun to Neptune is 4550,000000 km The mean distance from the Sun to Earth is 150,000000 million km

This means the mean distance from Earth to Neptune is 4400,000000 km

Convert to miles: divide by 1.609 to get 2734,617700 miles

Divide by 25000 miles per hour and you get 109384.7 hours or just under 12.5 years. ■

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Q: How long does it take to get to Neptune from earth traveling at twenty five thousand miles per hour?
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How fr is neptune from earth?

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Would you be older or younger on Neptune?

One's age does not change simply by traveling in space, but by traveling through time, something that we all do at a steady rate. Therefore, simply being on Neptune wouldn't change your actual age. Your age in terms of Neptune's years would be much older, since it takes 165 Earth years for Neptune to make a revolution. So, if you were 20 Earth years old, you would be 3,300 Neptune years old.

A two year old would be how old on Neptune?

A two year old would be about 109 years old on Neptune. Neptune's year is about 165 Earth years long.

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The rotation of the planet Neptune is much faster than Earth's. It completes a rotational "day" in about 16 Earth hours. So in an Earth year (365.25 Earth days), Neptune completes about 544 Neptune days. In a Neptune year, there are about 89,666 Neptune days.

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Is neptune bigger than the earth?

Yes, Neptune is bigger than Earth. Neptune has a diameter of about 49,528 kilometers, making it about 3.8 times wider than Earth.

How many times farther than earth is neptune from the sun?

Neptune is almost four times as farther from the Sun than Jupiter. To put this into scale Jupiter is roughly five times further from the Sun than the Earth. Which means Neptune is almost twenty times further from the Sun than Earth is.

What is the percentage of the gravity of Neptune compared to Earth?

Neptune has a gravity that is about 1.14 that of Earth.

Where in line is Neptune from the Earth?

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, while Earth is the third planet from the Sun. This places Neptune two planets beyond Earth in the solar system.

Is Neptune closer to the Sun or to the Earth?

Earth. Neptune is the farthest planet away. Since the Sun is totally far away, this makes Neptune closer to Earth. Its like " the sun, a couple of planets including Earth, and then Neptune".

How long would it take the satellite to reach Neptune?

A satellite traveling at typical speeds would take about 12 years to reach Neptune, which is about 4.3 billion kilometers away from Earth. The actual time can vary depending on the specific trajectory and speed of the satellite.

How many days does it take to get to Neptune from the earth?

That depends on how fast you are moving between Earth and Neptune. Or If you want to be even more precise than that , how fast you are going to accelerate, the speed your going to travel at, What time and date because the planets are in motion. I will be happy to help you solve this with a little more input.