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Anywhere within the northern arctic circle.

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Q: Where on Earth would you find twenty four hours of darkness on December twenty one?
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Why Some parts of Norway and Sweden and Finland have Twenty four hours of Sunshine during the summer and twenty four hours of darkness during the winter?

This phenomenon is known as the midnight sun and polar night, which occur in higher latitudes due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. As a result, during summer months the region experiences 24 hours of sunlight, while in winter it experiences 24 hours of darkness. The closer a location is to the North Pole, the longer the period of continuous daylight or darkness will be.

If you visited antarctica in December would you have 24 hours of darkness?

No, you'd have 24 hours of sunlight.

Is one day on earth twenty seven hours?

No. One day on Earth is 24 hours.

What does everyone north of the Arctic Circle have 24 hours of on December 22?


Does the Arctic have winter in December or June?

24 hours of daylight or darkness respectively.

The hours of daylight and darkness in September are nearest to hours of daylight and darkness in which month?

The hours of daylight and darkness in September are nearest to the hours of daylight and darkness in March. This is because both months are transitional periods during which the Earth's axis is tilted in such a way that the lengths of day and night are more balanced.

What do all the areas within the Arctic Circle experience on December 21?

24 hours of darkness.

Why are the number of daylight hours and darkness not the same on earth?

It depends on your location, in some places they are

How long does it take for the earth to go from its largest day to a day of 12 hours daylight and 12 hours of darkness?

maybe 6 hours

How many hours of sunlight does the north pole get at the December solstice?

At the North Pole during the December solstice, there is 24 hours of darkness. This is because the axial tilt of the Earth causes the North Pole to be tilted away from the sun during this time, preventing sunlight from reaching that region.

How many earth days is 18 hours?

Eighteen hours is less than twenty four, which is the length of one earth day. Eighteen hours is three-quarters of one earth day.

How long does it earth to spin around once on its axis?

twenty four hours