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Q: How long does it take to run 6 km for a fit person?
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How long does it take a fit person to run a mile?

a fit person would probably run somewhere between 8:00 and 6:00 minute miles

How long does it take for a fit person to run 8 miles?

The usual fit person should be running it in an hour or so...maybe just a tad longer. the expert runner run about a 6 minute they will be about 45min...

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1st place is around 15 minutes any fit person could get under 30 minutes

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depends, if you are fat then it will take you longer than if you were fit.

How long does it take to run 2.7 miles?

It depends on how fit you are and how fast you can run: in my case, probably 5 hours!

How long does it take the average person to run 1 mile?

i can run a 5:43 and im in 9th grade girl... but all my friends are fit and they run about a 7 or 8 minute mile... i think the average mile time for a girl my age is about an 8 minute mile. if anyone disagrees then so be it im not a scientist... just a person. everyone can give their opion

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2 hrs and 39 minutes

How many miles can a man run in a month?

as many as he wants. as long as your fit you can run for a long time.

How long is the long distance run in Wii fit?

1 mile

How long to run half a mile?

An average person can run one mile in 7 to 10 minutes, so take half of that time.

How long can a wild dog run for?

A dog is like a human. Human who don't run often aren't going to run for a long time. Something for dogs. If you have a fat dog then he isn't going to run long. If your dog runs with you everyday and your dog is fit, then he may run for a long time. All depends if he/she is fit. If you want to run with your dog for a long time, train him/she for it.

How long does it take to run 20k?

It all depend on the person running the 20k. Are they a pro, fat, skinny, and how often they run.