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it would take 660 seconds for a animal to run a mile or 11 minutes

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Q: If an animal can run 8 ft per second how long would it take to run a mile?
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if you're traveling at 10,000,000/second, it would take only 1 second

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One mile is equal to 5,280 feet, so yes I would say it is long.

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the fastest mile fun by an animal is 3 mintues and 1 second.

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It would take 1,000,000 seconds. Divide that by 60 and the answer will be in Minutes. Divide that answer by 60 and the answer will be in Hours.

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12 minutes and 1 second at a constant 5 mph, excluding speed changes or stops.

60mph how long to drive a mile?

One mile at 60mph would take just one minute.