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All depends on how fat the chick your running into is

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Q: How long does it take to stop a car going 60 kmh?
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How long does it take a 150 car train going 50 mph to stop?

That's going to depend heavily on the weight of the cargo in each car.

How long does it take a train going 50 mph to stop?

A average freight train going 50 mph (80 km/h) will take up to 1.5 miles. That is how long a freight train takes to stop if it collides with a car.

How long will it take a car to stop going 25 MPH?

that depends on the weight of the car, the type of tires. the type of ground.the brakes. on the average little 4 door i think its about 5 feet

How long does it take a car to stop?

Depends on the make and model of car plus what speed you are braking at.

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It depends on how fast the car is going.

When you double your speed in a car how long does it take to stop?

Double the time it takes to stop with normal speed.

How many feet would it take to stop a car going 25 mph?

That depends on how heavy the car is and the surface it is driving on

How long does it take a car to stop traveling at 30mph?

5 hours what kind of car????????????? any mods????????????????

How long does it take to get from London to edinbrough by car?

About 8 hours non-stop.

How do you stop your car alarm from going off ford puma?

take a sledge hammer to the bonnet

How many seconds does it take to stop a car going 55 mph?

Depends on how good the brakes are.

How long does it take to stop a car 20 mph?

Depends on the size of the vehicle and the road conditions plus reaction time of the driver. On average it would take a total of 43 feet in a car and 52 feet in a truck going 20 mph.