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Q: How long would it take a car to travel a mile going 30 mph?
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How long would it take to travel 10m?

it would take 1 hour to travel a mile going at 60 mph

How long would it take to drive 1 mile if you are going 60mph?

At 60mph you would travel 60 miles in one hour. To travel one mile (1/60 the distance) it would take 1/60 the time.There are 60 minutes to an hour, so at 60mph it will take you 1 minute to travel one mile.

How long would it take to travel a mile at 200 mph?

18 seconds to travel a mile at 200 mph.

How long does it take to travel one mile going 40 mph?

90 seconds

How long would it take to drive 100 miles if you were going 60 mph?

60 mph is the same as 1 mile per minute. That is, you are taking 1 minute to travel 1 mile. So, it would take 100 minutes to travel 100 miles.

How long does it take to travel a mile while going 70 mph?

About 51 seconds at 70 mph.

How long would it take a snail to travel one mile?

115 days

How long does it take to travel 164 mile going 60 mph?

If your going 60 mph then you are going 60 miles in 60 minutes (1 hour) or 1 mile every minute. So 164 miles would take you 164 minutes or 2 hours and 44 minutes

How long would it take a plane to travel a mile at 500 mph?

About 7 seconds.

How long would it take to travel 1 mile at 60 mph?

One minute.

How long would it take to travel 1 mile on the moon?

It would take about the same amount of time to travel 1 mile on the moon as it would on Earth, assuming similar modes of transportation. The moon's surface gravity is about 1/6th that of Earth's, so you would experience less resistance while moving.

If you were traveling 2000 feet how many miles would you travel?

Not even one half mile. In the US, a standard mile is 5,280 feet. So, you still have 3,280 feet to go to get to the one mile marker. you would travel 0.378787878787878787878787 (and it keeps going forever) miles