Answer: 2 km = 1.24274 mi.The formula to convert 2 km to miles:2 km*1 mi1.609344 km=1.242742384 mi
Two km is 350 meters less than 2.350 km
4 hours, 2 minutes, 49 seconds at 85km/h
Since 1 km = 1,000 m, 2,000 = 2 km. So you have 5 km to 2 km (the same unit). Now you can write 5 km as the numerator since it is on the left of to, and 2 km as the denominator since it is on the right of to. Such as, 5 km/2 km (simplify) = 5/2
80 km in 60 minutes 1 km in 60/80 minutes = 3/4 minutes 14 km in (3/4)x14 = 21/2 = 10 and 1/2 minutes
1 km X 2 km = 2 sq km
2 km = 1.243 miles (rounded)
2 miles
2 sq. km
3.2 km (2 mi) long
That depends on how fast you're going. At 60 km/hr, it will take 2 minutes.
2 hours 36 minutes.
2 hours 12 minutes.
Two hectares is an area equal to 0.02 square km
2 hours 33 minutes at 65 mph (104.6 km/h).
Dunk Island, in Queensland Australia, is approximately 2 km wide and 3 km long.
The area of the farm is 2 square kilometers.