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1 day, 1 hour and 30 min. Your welcome.

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Q: How long is 76 hours and 30 min?
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How long will it takes to drive from Colorado to Minnesota?

15 h 49 min (1,030.2 mi) via I-76 E

It is 640 and the train is due in 76 hours and 20 min What time will the train arrive?

11:00, 3 days later.

How long does it take to 0.10 miles if you are traveling at 76 miles an hour?

0.1 mi / 70 MPH * 60 min/hr * 60 sec/min = 5.143 sec

What plus 30 equals 76?

30 + 46 = 76

What is 30 times 76?

30 x 76 = 2280

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30 percent of 76 percent = 0.3 x 76 percent = 22.8 percent

How long will it take to drive 15 miles at 76 mph?

Time = Distance/Speed So 15/76 = 0.197 hours = 11.84 minutes (approx).

How long is an Arctic tern's wing?

The wingspan of an Arctic tern is 76-85 cm. (26-30 in)

How many beats per min for 76 year old?

forty three

How long would it take to drive 76 miles going 70 mph?

1 hour 5 minutes at a constant 70 mph, excluding stops.

How long is flight from Norfolk Virginia to Hawaii?

To travel by car, it would take 76 hours. To travel by plane, it would take 10 hours.