39.37 inches
About 39.37 inches.
39.3700789 inches is 1 meter.
If, as you say, a meter is 3.28 inches long, then 0.5 meter is 1.64 inches, or 0.1367 foot.However, a meter is not 3.28 inches. It's much closer to 3.28 feet, and half of it is roughly 1.64 feet.
39.3700787 inches = 0.999999999 meters
0.03 meter is about 1.18 inches.
A meter is 40 inches which is 3 feet and 4 inches (100 cm)
39.37 inches
About 39.37 inches.
39.3700789 inches is 1 meter.
If, as you say, a meter is 3.28 inches long, then 0.5 meter is 1.64 inches, or 0.1367 foot.However, a meter is not 3.28 inches. It's much closer to 3.28 feet, and half of it is roughly 1.64 feet.
1.5 meters is 59.06 inches.
39.3700787 inches = 0.999999999 meters
0.15 metres = 5.9055 inches
None. A meter is about 39 inches.
A school bus is about 1 meter long. A meter is 39.36 inches. Slightly longer than a yard.
One meter is approximately 39 inches long so that would be three feet and three inches.