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7-8 metres long :)

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Q: How long is the average bus?
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Related questions

How long is an average school bus?

48 feet

How long does it take a bus to travel 6 miles?

It obviously depends on the average speed of the bus.

How long is a bus?

A normal school bus would be about 36 ft long from front to the back. A double decker bus would be only 25 ft long. A common city bus would average around 27 ft to 30 ft long. A tourist bus or big coach bus could be up to 32 ft long.

How big is the average public city bus?

The average city bus seen around is about 8 ft in height, 25 ft long, and weigh 5-8 tons.

What are the dimensions of a limo bus?

The dimensions of a limo bus vary on how many people fit. They tend to range from 28ft long to 28ft long, with an average width of between 95" and 102".

How long is a short school bus?

The length of a short school bus tends to vary depending on the area. However, the average length is about 15 ft.

How long would it take coming from Alberta to Toronto by bus?

The length of time it would take to get from Alberta to Toronto by the bus will depend on how many stops the bus makes. The average length of time is between 36 and 48 hours.

How long does a person spend in their lifetime waiting for a bus?

On average, a person spends around 6 months waiting for a bus in their lifetime. This time can vary depending on factors such as frequency of bus service, location, and individual travel habits.

Is a narwhal bigger than a school bus?

The male narwhal is about 15-20 ft. long, with an approximately 7 ft. tusk, so it depends on the type of bus and the narwhal. On average, no, they are not.

How long is a double decker bus?

as long as a double decker bus

What is the lenght of a bus?

The average length of a bus is around 45 ft.

When a bus travels 20 km in 30 minutes. What is the average speed of the bus?

The average speed of the bus is 40 km/h (20 km / 0.5 hours).