Convert 1 mile = 1.609km.
10 miles = 16.09km
16.09km / 8kph = 2.01h■
distance = velocity X time 1km = 20 kph X time time = 1 km/(20 kph) = 1/20 of an hour or 3 min.
Time = distance divided by rate but the units need to be the same. That's either 6.9 miles at 8.5 mph or 11.1 km at 13.68 kph It will take you about 48 minutes, 42 seconds.
Two miles in fifteen minutes equates to a pace of 12.87 kph
10 kph is 6.214 mph roughly 4 hours, 11 minutes
90 kph = 55.9 mph
It takes twelve minutes to travel 7 kilometers at 35 KPH
A car takes approximately 2 hours to travel 60 miles at the speed of 30 kph
How long would it take a car to travel 87 kilometers if it were travelling at 90 kph
It will take 3.3 seconds to travel 44 meters at 48kph.
.75 minute or 45 seconds.
At a speed of 100 kph it will take 2 hours.
It will take about 1 hour 36 minutes of total driving time at a constant 90 km/h. Your total travel time will be longer if you slow down or stop along the way.
avg. 72 kph (45 mph) max. 91 kph (57 mph)
it would take approxamatley 20 days! Source: Geography teacher
At 3 kph, it will take one hour. At 30 kph, it will take six minutes.
8.4kph is 5.22mph 2/5.22 is 0.383 hrs or 23 mins
distance = velocity X time 1km = 20 kph X time time = 1 km/(20 kph) = 1/20 of an hour or 3 min.