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1) The snail would pass out in the upper atmosphere.

2) If it didn't pass out, it would freeze.

3) A snail doesn't live long enough to make the journey.

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Q: How long would it take a snail to crawl to the moon on a length of cheese wire?
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Would a snail crawl 12 kilometers in a hour?

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Does the turtles walk or crawl?

Walk-although very slowly would be a better term. Crawl would imply it is on it's hands and knees or doesn't have legs like a snake or snail.

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Well it would probably crawl back out and get back in the shell seeing as this would take a while i wouldn't really do it myself to find out.

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One way to kill a snail without using harmful materials is to place it in a container with salt. The salt will dehydrate the snail, ultimately leading to its death. It's important to responsibly dispose of the snail's remains afterward.

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I would use a stopwatch to measure the length of time, and then report the results to other people using units of seconds if a person did it, or minutes if a turtle did it, or hours if a snail did it.

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Answer in my opinion 29 days. At the beginning of the 28th day the snail is 27 feet up. The snail crawls up 3 feet and is now at the top of the well but not out. At the beginning of the 29th day, the nail is 28 feet up. He now crawls up 3 feet and is out. This is some question about the interpretation of the problem. At the end of the 28th day, the snail is at top and would crawl out, I think.

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a spoon because it could crush a snail

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Water would move OUT of the snail and onto the salt.