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Assuming speed of light at 300,000 km/sec, answer is 30 years. 10 light years = 300,000 x 3600 x 24 x 365 x 10 = 9.4608 x 1013 km t = 9.4608 x 1013 / 100,000 = 948.08 x 106 seconds 948.08 x 106 / 3600 / 24 / 365 = 30 years I'll do some rounding. Light travels at 299,792.458. we'll round to 300,000 km/s because at these speeds, an extra 207 miles in a second is just pointless to calculate. Your ship travels at 100,000 km/s So the short way to do this is simple. Your ship travels 100,000 kms while light is 300,000 kms so your ship travels 1/3 the speed of light. (100,000/300,000 = 1/3) So it's safe to say that it will take 3 times as long for your ship to get anywhere no matter how far it is. So if light travels a distance of 10 light years - it will take your ship 30 light years to get there. Of course you could go the long way - 300,000 mps x 60 secs x 60 minutes x 365.25days equals the distance of km in 1 light year - x10 for the total distance in km. Then divide that by 100,000 km sec to see how long it will take you to go that distance. But that's just too much work - which is why we use light-years as a distance measurement. And when you go to Mars probably in the year 3000, you will probably found that it has changed form in imagination and starts to form like earth...

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Q: How long would it take to travel 10 light years from earth one way if you had a space ship that traveled at 100000 km per second?
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